About Us

Just Love Christmas started back in November 2010.


Because we have an absolute love for Christmas. From as early as I can remember, to this very day. I sometimes wonder it’s because, deep down we are all still children at heart. One of my most memorable holidays, was when we took our then 6 year old son to visit Father Christmas (yes he is real, so I’m told) in Lapland, a magical winter wonderland. And to be honest I’m not sure who was more excited him or me. That excitement as a child or in your late teens/early twenties meeting friends down the pub or being a parent watching your child hanging out their stocking, you can’t better that build up to Christmas.

In 2021 I decided to redesign the website for ease of use. With the hope to increase the frequency of Christmas content we create. And we can mix it up more than we used to.

Here is what the old site used to look like, a little well, old.

What the old Just Love Christmas website used to look like
Out with the old in with the new Christmas website.

For those of you who are new to our little slice of Christmas, welcome. And if you are a returning fan, then thank you for coming back and visiting us.


We also have a no third-party banners policy on this website. We don’t like banners plastered with supposed personalised targeting. We will never have a visible banner on this website from a third-party, like Google. Affiliates links yes and maybe, just maybe a banner from a merchant/retailer, if that article is related to that merchant only.